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Year RNH

Jesus said, " I have come in order that you may have life-life in all its fullness".

John 10:10


Class Teacher: Mrs Halligan

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wood

Management and PPA Cover Teacher: Ms Blair 

PE Teacher: Mr Stevenson Monday AM

Speech and Language Intervention: Mrs Babcock

Christian Value

Our value for this half term is RESPECT We will be adding information to our Values tab throughout the year, to show how we  explore our values, what they look like in our school and how we can live them out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

Daily Timetable

School starts: 8:45am

School finishes: 3:15pm


Reception children have their lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Our PE day is Monday with Mr Stevenson.  Please ensure you have sent in your child's PE Kit. This will stay in school until the end of the half-term, when it will be sent home to be washed. 


Tuck is £10 per whole term. Please pay for tuck using Parent Pay.   

Children will also receive a piece of free fruit every day.


Your children will receive a free drink of milk everyday until they reach the age of 5

Water Bottles

Your child should bring a water bottle into school each day. Bottles should contain 'water' only. We are a healthy school and discourage sugary drinks.

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a lovely, peaceful Easter break.  

Firstly, thank you for all your amazing input into the creation of Easter Bonnets...the children looked wonderful! We hope that we will have an equally enjoyable time this half term, learning all about minibeasts and Spring. We are looking forward to our trip to Sugar Brook Farm, and hope to see some of the baby animals born on the farm in the springtime.  The trip also includes a minibeast and scavenger hunt after our picnic lunch in the afternoon.  Please take a look at the Knowledge Organiser to find out more about our topics.

Please keep supporting your children with reading at home.  They are making some super progress and we are very proud of them all!

As always, we have an open door and are happy to talk to you if you have any concerns at all, at any time.

Thank you

From Mrs Halligan 

Summer One Knowledge Organiser Minibeasts

Reception Maths Overview

Spring Two Knowledge Organiser Fairy Tales

This term in Maths we are learning...

Christmas Counts Nativity


Thank you for all your amazing support over this last half-term. What a wonderful time we have had learning about people who help us in our community. We had some great visitors, a hospital consultant who brought in a life sized skeleton model and a police sergeant from GMP who let the children have a go at flashing the lights and beeping the horn of his Police Car!  Reception also had a lovely trip with parents to Brinnington Library.  We hope many of you have signed up with the library so you and your family can make the most of the wonderful service they offer.  

The term has ended with a fabulous performance of our Nativity  'Christmas Counts'. It was fantastic to see the children being so confident, singing their hearts out and enjoying themselves on stage.   And thank you also for attending our Activity Day - it was lovely to have you all in school working with the children to create some beautiful Christmas Decorations.

The children have made super progress from their starting points in September and we are sure this will continue in the New Year.  Don't forget if you have any free time over the holidays, do have a go at the Learning with Parents activities - Winter Winners certificates will be given out in January. 

We wish you a lovely happy and peaceful Christmas  and look forward to seeing everyone again in January.

Thank you

From Mrs Halligan and the Reception Team

The new Knowledge Organiser for Spring One an be accessed below. This outlines much of the learning happening through next half-term.

This term in maths we are learning...

Knowledge Organiser British Woodland Animals

Autumn Two Knowledge Organiser

Autumn One Knowledge Organiser ' Ourselves'

Phonics and Reading in Reception

At St Paul's we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme for phonics.  Please look at the link below to find out how we teach reading through the scheme at our school.