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Year 3ME

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."

                                                                                John 10:10

Welcome to Year 3!

The adults working with our class are:

Miss Emmett  (class teacher)

Mrs Maher   (teaching assistant)

Mrs Atkinson  (teaches all day Wednesday and Thursday morning)

Miss Styan     (Year 3 intervention teacher)

Mrs Granger   (Year 3 intervention teacher)

Mr Stevenson (sports coach Friday afternoon PE)

Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is RESPECT.  We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

                                                                                                                           Matthew 7:12

Two Sons and a Father

The prodigal son is a story Jesus told people when he was on earth. It's all about how much God loves us. You can find the story in Luke 15:11-32. This is also a story of how to respect and how not to respect your family.


Religious Education

Our RE enriches all of our learning This half term, we are looking at the question...

Why do people pray?

Internet Safety Day

5 Internet Safety Rules by Year 3ME

Class Information


You can pay for school tuck or you can bring your own healthy snack from home. Parents and carers should pay for tuck using the ParentPay app. Please do not bring crisps, chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks. 

Water Bottles

It is important to stay hydrated and drink little and often during the day so remember to bring your water bottle every day. You should take it home after school and clean it. Please do not leave them at school. Please only bring water and not juice.


At the moment, Mr Stevenson (our sports coach) will be teaching PE on Tuesday mornings. He tries to teach outside as much as possible, unless the weather is very rainy or icy. Miss Emmett will be teaching PE on Friday afternoons. Make sure your PE kit contains clothes that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor lessons. Please remember to remove your earrings. 

Rainy Days

Make sure you are always prepared for the weather when you come to school. We have a morning play time, we play outside at lunch times and often go outside for a short break in the afternoon. Some of our lesson activities will take place in the school grounds too. Make sure you come to school with a coat and sensible shoes. If the weather is very rainy, you can come in boots or wellies and bring a spare pair of shoes to change into. We may play outside in light drizzle, but when the weather is very wet, snowy or icy, you will play inside your classroom and be supervised by a Mid-day assistant.

Spelling Words and Times tables

Each week, new spelling words and times tables will be sent home on a Monday. It is important to practise these for about 5 minutes, 4-5 times each week. There will be a spelling and times table test on a Fridays.

Our New Topic

Our new topic is called 'We Are All God's Creatures'. 

Jesus is My Friend

Here are some fun songs to help you learn your times tables.

You will find lots of educational games on Top Marks.


We have been using Thinkuknow in class to learn about e-safety.

BBC Bitesize