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Year NCB

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10:10

Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is RESPECT. We will be adding information to our Values tab throughout the year, to show how we explore our values, what they look like in our school and how we can live them out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

Welcome to Nursery 

Mrs Brett - Class Teacher

Miss Darbyshire - Classroom Assistant

Miss McFarlane - Classroom Assistant 

Mrs Babcock- Speech and Language Intervention  

Ms Blair – PPA Teacher (Covers Thursday PM)


Nursery AM 8.45am - 11.45am

Nursery PM 12.30pm - 3.30pm 


Tuck is £1 per week or £10 per term. This can be paid electronically on the Parent Pay app. Fruit is also still available each day to children. 

Water Bottles

Your child should bring a water bottle into school each day, fresh water only please.

Welcome back!

This half-term the children will be learning about Fairy tales, please read the Knowledge Organiser below for all the details. 

The children are continuing to work hard and are making good progress. Thank you to all our parents who are supporting reading at home. Reading is the key to all future learning so snuggle up and share a story together! Brinnington Library is a fantastic resource for our families. Do go along and sign up if you haven't already!

We will be celebrating Easter on Thursday 30th March, with our 'Easter Bonnet Parade and Spring Performance'. Parents and Carers will be invited to this event. Please can we ask you to provide a bonnet for the occasion - decorate however you and your children would like. We can't wait to see your creations!  More details regarding timings will follow.

As always, we have an open door and are happy to talk to you if you have any concerns at all, at any time.

Thank you

From the Nursery team :) 


It is a very busy and special time of the year! Nursery will be joining Reception for our Early Years Christmas Nativity 'Christmas Counts'.  The children will be learning lots of counting songs and we hope you will sing-along with them at home! We also hope to invite parents and carers to take part in a Christmas Craft Activity day towards the end of the half-term. Details will be sent to you in the next few weeks.       

Welcome to our new half-term!

The children have settled so well into Nursery, and it is lovely to see their happy smiley faces as they enter the classroom excited to see their friends and grown-ups!   

This half-term we are learning about people who help us in our community through our topic, 'Do all Superheroes Wear Capes?' We are very excited to announce we will be visited by a Police Sergeant from GMP who will talk to the children about his role and the children may even get to try on some police hats and sit in the Police van! We are also going to be visited by a Hospital Consultant who will discuss with the children his role in a hospital! We hope our topic will encourage all of our children to be ambitious about their futures and the possibilities for them when they grow up. Do please talk to your children about what they may like to be when they grow up. Maybe you could take them to the library to find some books about different careers to support our topic in school?

Please see below our Knowledge Organisers which are sent to parents every half term informing you of what we are learning in Nursery. 

Please can we remind all parents to pay this half term tucks via ParentPay App £10.

Thank you

The Nursery team :)

Welcome to Nursery! 

After a wonderful summer break, I cannot wait to meet all the new children (and see our big ones too!) 

We also welcome our new teaching assistants, Miss Darbyshire and Miss McFarlane.

We have lots of fun in Nursery learning through play within the indoor and outdoor environment.

I am looking forward to a fantastic year of learning! We have an open door policy in school, so if you have any worries or concerns, please come and speak to us.

Many thanks

The Nursery team :)