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LPPA (Leading Parent Partnership Award)

At St Paul's we want to ensure that as a school we work effectively with our parents and local community.  We value the support and contribution that parents and carers make to children's school life, both within and beyond the classroom.  

We are using the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) to help strengthen our school’s partnership with parents. LPPA is a national award that will provide us with a valuable school improvement tool and also give us recognition for our commitment to working with parents.

The LPPA will help us achieve these long-term benefits:

  • contribute to improved pupil attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress
  • increase parent participation and involvement
  • enhance parents’ support in their children’s learning
  • improve communication between home and school.

The award is founded on research which shows that there is a very positive impact on achievement, behaviour and attendance in schools where parents are supported and therefore engaged in their children's learning.  Feedback from parents and carers is extremely important and we want to hear your views and improve our current practice.  

We expect to achieve the award within 15 months. The process will be supportive, developmental and progressive will be achieved by meeting the following objectives:

  1. The school demonstrates a commitment to work towards achieving the LPPA
  2. The school makes and implements effective plans to achieve and maintain the LPPA
  3. The school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents
  4. The school promotes the awareness and participation of all groups of parents in supporting their children's learning and developing their own learning.  In addition, the school holds and actively promotes a progamme of opportunities and events for joint parent and child participation
  5. The school provides parents with relevant and use-friendly guidance and information to help them to support their children's learning
  6. The school produces and implements parent-friendly policies to establish effective home-school links and to improve children's attendance, punctuality, progress and positive participation in school.
  7. The school provides good support for all parents as their children move through or leave the school
  8. The school summarizes its achievements against the LPPA Objectives and outlines it future plans

We want to include all groups of parents in supporting their children's learning and developing their own learning, take steps to ensure that our school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents, provide clear and accessible guidance to help parents support their children's learning and development, produce parent-friendly policies to establish effective home-school links and provide clear guidance on the responsibilities of parents, school and pupils, and share this information with parents regularly. 

Our LPPA co-ordinator at school is Mrs Halligan.  If you would like to help, give ideas or have any questions with regard to any aspect of the LPPA do get in touch. 

Leading Parent Partnership Award Policy

Parent Forum


What is the Parent Forum?

The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement.

The aims of the Parent Forum will be to:

  • work together to improve the education provided for our children
  • share information, knowledge and skills
  • meet in a mutually supportive environment
  • further improve communications between parents/carers and staff/governors

The parent forum does not have any statutory responsibilities, duties or powers in the school.

Who can be part of the Parent Forum?

Normally, any parent/carer of children currently at St Paul’s CE Primary school would be eligible to be a member of the parent forum and be able to attend our forum meetings.  However, due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, we will initially select a limited number of parents to attend our half-termly/termly meetings. This way meetings can take place in a socially distanced and safe manner.

Our Parent Forum initial members will represent parents of children across all year groups in school. Once the pandemic is over, and we are able to invite more parents into school, we will open up the forum meetings to any parents who wish to attend.

At times other members of the school community will also attend the meetings depending on the agenda items and what the school feels they would like to share with the parents, such as new initiatives.

Why should I be part of the Parent Forum?

It gives you, the parents, an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and suggest ideas of how things could be improved.

How often will the Parent Forum meet?

At least once a term for around an hour.  We will endeavour to hold the meetings at accessible times for parents, but we do envisage they will take place during the school day.

What will be discussed at the meetings?

Anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents.  The meetings will be informal and are an opportunity for an open discussion.  Minutes of the meetings will be taken and these will be accessible on the school's website in the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) section.

The Parent Forum is not the time to discuss concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff.

How can I raise an issue?

Forum agendas will be forwarded to all parents via Parent App, so, after reading, if you have any points you would like us to discuss, in relation to the agenda, at the forum, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Halligan the Leading Parent Partnership Award co-ordinator.


April 2021


Minutes from the Parent Forum Meeting 8.7.21

Minutes from the Parent Forum Meeting 6.5.21

Leading Parent Partnership Award Parent Questionnaire Results May 2021

LPPA Parent Questionnaire Feedback   Spring 2020

Thank you to all those parents and carers that completed the Parent Evaluation Form. We had 36 submissions in total and overall a very positive response.  We will be looking at your suggestions for improvements that could be made and any issues raised over the coming weeks and months.

Do please keep checking the LPPA page on the school website (found in the Parents Information section) to keep updated with our progress on achieving the award.

In the meantime, here are a just a few of the positive comments we received:

“Staff are always warm and welcoming. Always willing to talk and approachable.”


“A newsletter each term advises what will be learned and what we can do to help our child.  It also gives information on the materials and learning resources that will be used.“


“My child has come on so much since being a pupil.”


“The teachers are fantastic and the app is great for getting letters sent out when a child always forgets them.”

“Books are sent home to read together and story maps to learn then invited in to watch children perform the story.”

“Parent activity days take place throughout the year for all ages and is a lovely way to spend time being involved in your child’s school life.”


“…The school is exceptional at welcoming new parents and making them feel at ease throughout the settling in period.  When they start from nursery/reception parents are invited in for visits with their child and to get to know the teachers and in nursery the teachers visit your house to see the child so they don’t feel like strangers when they start the school.  When my daughter started part way through the year communication at the end of the day was always good to tell you how they have been settling that day.  The headteacher is also very reassuring.”

“School policies are very simple, fair and easy to follow.”


 “I have had lots of support for myself and my children even after they have left the school from Miss Harrington especially who continually wants to do everything possible for the children.”


“Clear information is given about what will happen during transition to high school and their last year in primary and also they give you opportunities to speak to new teachers as they progress from year to year and when they have moved up a year they have a meet the teacher session where the teacher tells you about what will happen this school year and introduces themselves and also answers any concerns.”


 “Miss Harrington is lovely and has a great relationship with parents encouraging volunteer readers, support for class trips etc.  Mrs Halligan supports parents to volunteer within school and by doing activity days and reading clubs within early years.“


“They have lots of things that parents can get involved in with their children.  Throughout their time in the school I have been involved in many things with my children such as: craft sessions, cooking lessons, helping to escort on school trips, to name a few.“