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PSHE at St Paul’s C of E Primary School

At St Paul’s C of E School we aim to enhance and enrich the lives of children by enabling them to make the most of good learning opportunities within and beyond the curriculum.

We believe PSHE education has a crucial role in preparing pupils for the world of work, helping them to develop the skills and attributes they need to thrive and achieve their full potential. At St Paul’s, PSHE education underpins the ethos of our School and is very much a whole School approach, working with all members of the School community and the local authority.

PSHE within School is delivered as a rolling programme from Foundation Stage to Year 6. The curriculum model aims to meet all individual, group and local needs. To enable this to work, teachers and children are regularly consulted on the content ensuring flexibility in the material covered and that it is relevant and up-to-date. Our PSHE programme is reviewed and evaluated to ensure that provision is of the highest quality.

The teaching matrix, ‘What do we Teach in PSHE at St Paul’s?’, is planned and delivered in the areas of RSE*, DATE*, Health and E Safety.

As a school, we use the SPIRAL RSE & DATE Scheme of Work (Stockport). Complemented by resources from the Christopher Winter Project.

Anti-bullying education is delivered using the ABCD Curriculum and our Golden Rules.

We use a variety of resources to support the children’s learning. These include the Anti-bullying Alliance, Bullying UK, NSPCC, Child Line and Family Lives.

We are supported by the ‘Expect Respect’ education toolkit produced by Women’s Aid in our teaching around the issues of Domestic Violence. Expect Respect is a specific resource which is based upon protection, prevention and provision.

* RSE - Relationships and Sex Education

*DATE - Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco Education

What to we teach in PSHE at St Paul's C of E Primary School?










Our Reception children learn about these areas of PSHE through cross-curricular teaching which is taught throughout the year.

RSE: Our lives/our day

Golden Rules

Who are the people in my family?

What makes me special? - Learning to Work as Part of a Team

What makes a good friend? - Friendships & Relationships

How am I different/same as other people?

Facial expressions – learning to recognise them

What do we call the different parts of our bodies? - Differences between boys and girls

Taking responsibility – other people need/want us to help them

Expect Respect

DATE: Healthy Eating & the importance of physical activity - What do I need to grow healthy & strong?

HEALTH: Keeping ourselves clean

Medicines – what is safe to put into our bodies? People who help us when I am poorly

People Who Help Us? (Emergency Services)

E-SAFETY: Think U Know

Year 1


RSE: Growing & Changing

Growing Up – Families who Care

Safety – when to say no


HEALTH: Keeping clean – dentist visit

Food hygiene


Staying Safe Online – Rules

Digital Literacy – Internet Posters & Simple Rules

Personal Information – Keep it Private

Who to Report a Concern to?

Avators/Real People

RSE: Expect Respect

DATE: Medicines & Safety & who gives us medicines

Staying healthy


Year 2


RSE: Friendships & Feelings

HEALTH: Hygiene -Hand washing

Healthy Eating - Different Food Groups

Importance of regular exercise


RSE: Growing up.

Name parts of female & male human body.

Different types of families.

Human & Animal offspring.

DATE: Medicines & Keeping Safe

HEALTH: Road Safety

RSE: Keeping Safe

Safety of self & others.

People & different situations.

When to say no, scenarios.

Expect Respect

Year 3


RSE: Peer Relationships


Expect Respect

DATE: Why do people smoke?

Physical effects of smoking.

How to keep safe

HEALTH: Nutrition & Importance of Exercise


RSE: Peer Relationships

DATE: Medicines are drugs – know the difference!

Positive & negative effects of drugs.

Identifying dangers.

HEALTH: Teeth & Oral Hygiene



RSE: Growing up –naming body parts.

Understanding different types of families.

Touching, a right to say no.

Personal Space & respect for others

Friendships & Feelings.

Who Can I talk to?

Human Lifecycle

HEALTH: Swimming

Identifying Dangers

Year 4


RSE: Feelings – Angry & Happy

Friendships – Own actions & conflicts


DATE: Alcohol & Tobacco Abuse

Keeping Safe

Safety in the Home – range of legal drugs

Facts & Myths about drugs

Peer Pressure

HEALTH: Feeling good about myself (self-esteem & body image)

Skeletons & Muscles

RSE: Growing Up, Responsibilities as we get older



A new life begins – how a baby is made?

Conception & Birth

Expect Respect



Year 5



RSE: Friendship – being a good friend, sustaining a friendship

Friendships & Peer pressure

Who can help us?


HEALTH – looking after our bodies (child – grandparent)






DATE: Effects on the human body

Legal & illegal drugs.

Alcohol Units & its effect

Peer pressure – risk taking & making own judgements

Stereotyping: Attitudes & beliefs in society

HEALTH: Basic 1st Aid (St John’s Ambulance Service, 2 year cycle


RSE: Relationships with families

Friendship – being a good friend, sustaining a friendship

Strong feelings – anger, grief, envy

Feeling safe



Personal Hygiene

Asking for help

Name reproductive organs

Single Sex – Question time

Expect Respect

Year 6


RSE: Feelings & Friendships

HEALTH: Impact of diet & exercise on our bodies


RSE: Feelings.

Good Friendships

Actions affect others.

Attraction & Love

Diversity of Families - Marriage

Puberty Changes: Name body parts

HEALTH: Hygiene – increased need for personal hygiene



RSE: Sexual intercourse – reinforce pupils’ knowledge

Conception and birth

Responsibilities of having a baby.


Gender & Stereotypes

Expect Respect

DATE: Attitude & beliefs to drugs

Alcohol & Tobacco

Personal Safety & Risk Taking

Making the Right Choice – roles & responsibilities

Help, advice & support

HEALTH: Disease – HIV & AIDS

Safety: recognising risk in different situations