Year 5CS
Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."
John 10:10
Christian Value
Our focus for this half term is RESPECT. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.
Welcome to Year 5! I am super pleased and excited to see you again this year! I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas Holiday! We are going to have a fantastic year learning and finding out lots of new things! If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to email me:
Here is a list of teachers who will be working in our room this year:
Class Teacher : Mrs Shore
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Clarke
PE Teacher: Mr Stevenson
PPA Cover: Mrs Warboys
Daily Timetable
Start of school is at 8.50 am
End of school is at 3.20 pm
Playtime is at 10.45 am -11.00 am
Lunchtime 12.40pm -1.20pm
Please ensure your child has their P.E kits in school, lessons will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Reading is a fantastic activity to do on your own or with someone. This term we are trying to encourage reading in our class. In addition to this, children will have homework which is linked to our current Learning Challenge.
Children will be able to earn points for each activity they complete, working towards a target and earning a prize when their target is reached.
Religious Education
Our RE enriches all of our learning. This half term, we are looking at the question...
Why do some people believe God exists?
This term's topic is a history and geography focus:
"Ancient Greeks"
Have a look at our knowledge organiser below