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Year 2GB

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."

                                                                                John 10:10

A huge welcome to Year 2GB. We cannot wait to see you back and to get started on what is going to be an exciting, busy and rewarding year!


The Year 2GB team are ...

Class Teacher - Mrs Bramley (Monday - Friday)


Teaching Assistant - Mrs Kayani

Mrs Blair (Wednesday morning)

                         Mrs Moore (PPA-Wednesday)

Gym Coach - Mr Stevenson

Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is RESPECT. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

Below is the story of Jonah which help demonstrate our value this half term of RESPECT.

Jonah and the Whale

A prayer about Respect

Dear God,
Thank you that you value each one of us.
Please help us to treat others with respect.
Help us to embrace differences between us.
Help us to love others, even if they are very different from us.
Help us to see the value in each individual person.

Religious Education

Our RE enriches all of our learning. This half term, we are looking at the question...

Who is a Jew and what do they believe?

Keep a lookout for the artwork we will be creating during this unit this half term!

Y2GB Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III

Interfaith Week

During Interfaith Week, we learnt about the Hindu religion.  Hindu families believe in one true God called Brahman.  There are lots of deities who are Gods and Goddesses for different prayers.  Ganesh is the God of intelligence and his head is in the shape of an elephant.  

We also learnt a cultural dance from India.  It was great fun!

Y2GB learning about the Hindu religion during Interfaith Week ...

Things to remember in Year 2

  • Each child needs to bring their Reading Book Bag or small rucksack into school each day.
  • School planners and reading books will be needed in school everyday.
  • Each child will choose a library book which can be changed weekly on a Monday.
  • Each child should have their own water bottle in school that they can use in the classroom.
  • School uniform will be worn every day from September.
  • PE kits will be needed for the children to change into on the days they will do PE - this is on a Monday with Mrs Bramley and on a Friday with Mr Stevenson. 
  • Toast (Tuck) can be purchased online and is £10 a term, or £1 per week.  Fresh fruit is available each day.
  • Spelling work will begin in the classroom on a Monday and needs to be completed and returned on a Friday.

A message for parents/carers: Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me either on the door in the morning/afternoon or anytime by email. 

Manchester Fire and Rescue Crew Visit Year 2!

Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic morning with Firefighters from Manchester's Fire and Rescue Crew.  The children learnt about fire safety in the home and how to 'Stop, Drop and Roll' in the case of an emergency.  The Firefighters were so impressed with our young learners, that they were shown the Fire Engine with the firefighting and rescue equipment.  

The children had great fun aiming the water hose at cones and learning about the very heavy equipment Firefighters must wear when helping people.

All of the children were reminded that in the case of an emergency to call '999'.  They were also shown how to ask correctly for the appropriate emergency service.

We Celebrated World Book Day!

We chose a character from our favourite book to dress up on the day and had great fun sharing stories and reading for pleasure with our friends in class.

Gardening and Bird Watching with Phil

We continue to learn about our outdoor environment and with Phil's help we spent a great afternoon learning about wild birds that live in our school grounds.

Then we chose the best places in the trees to put our bird boxes.  These will give lots of different species of birds a place to build a nest and feel safe.

Afterwards, we planted seeds.  We hope that the purple broccoli, sprout and asparagus seeds that we planted will be able to be transferred to our raised beds before Easter.

Here is Y2GB's Safer Internet Day video!

As part of Safer Internet Day, we learnt the rules to keep us safe whilst online and what to do if something feels wrong.

Topic - Spring 2 Term

This term we are learning, 'Survival of the Fittest'. This topic is Science driven and we will be learning all about the human body and what it needs to survive and to be fit and healthy.

Here is our Knowledge Organiser that explains our learning through the topic.

Topic - Spring Term

This term we are learning, 'Why wouldn't a Meerkat live at the South Pole?'.  We will be using a World map to locate and name the seven Continents of the World.  We will learn what is a Food Chain and locate Africa and the South Pole as hot and cold places on Earth.

Here is our Knowledge Organiser that explains our learning through topic.

Topic-Autumn Term

Our second topic for the Autumn term is called, 'Fire, Friend or Foe?'.  The topic will allow the children to learn all about the facts of the Great Fire of London in 1666.

Here is our Knowledge Organiser.

Our first topic is a geography/history focus based on our first class book in Literacy  - The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.

Have a look at our Knowledge Organiser below.

Little Wandle Phonics

Across school we use the Little Wandle Phonics approach to learning phonic sounds.  From Reception to Year 2, the children enjoy a daily phonics lesson.

Click on the link to learn more about the Little Wandle approach to learning phonics.

We love to read...

Children will have a school reading book to take home and enjoy reading with their family.  Please sign and comment in your child's school reading planner when your child has read with you at home.

We will be reading a class book at the end of every day with the children. 

In Spring 1 we are looking at the fabulous children's author David Walliams. Each class will be reading one of his books and seeing how fun stories can be made with great description and story telling.

In the Autumn term, we read a selection of fiction books by Julia Donaldson. One of our favourites was, 'The Paper Dolls', but our absolute favourite was 'The Scarecrow's Wedding'.

We started Y2 by reading a true classic...The Twits by Roald Dahl!

We have a well resourced school library where the children are allowed to select a book. 

There is also a reading corner in the classroom with designated slots when the children can enjoy a quiet read.