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Year 1HS

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."

                                                                                John 10:10

Welcome to Year 1

Mrs Sands - Class Teacher (Monday - Thursday)

Mrs Feeney - Friday 

Miss Jones - Classroom Assistant

Ms Blair – PPA Teacher

Mr Stevenson - PE Coach

Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is RESPECT. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

Daily Timetable

Start of school is at 8.50 am

End of school is at 3.20 pm

Playtime is at 10.30 am and at 2.15 am


Tuck is £1 per week or £10 per term. This can be paid electronically.

Please use Parent Pay. Fruit is also still available each day to children. 

Water Bottles

Your child should bring a water bottle into school each day, fresh water only please.

Outdoor PE

Every Thursday afternoon with Mr Stevenson

Please bring a named school PE kit into school.

PE bags can be left in the classroom.

Happy New Year 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break and is eager to get back to work. Our topic for this term is ' Who cares for our planet'. The KO is attached below. 

Once again, don't hesitate to come and chat with me if you have any issues or concerns.

Mrs Sands

Welcome Back!

The children are doing great in Year 1 and have really come a long way!

I am excited for the upcoming half-term, when we will continue our learning challenge, "Am I an Amazing Animal?"

Continue reading with your child each week and keep an eye on the parent app for any updates. This half-term, there will be a parents' evening.

Once again, if you need anything, please do not hesitate to arrange a time with myself.

Mrs Sands

Autumn KO

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds