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Jesus said, " I have come in order that you may have life-life in all its fullness".

 John 10:10

Christian Value

Our Christian Value this term is Learning through Bible Stories We will be adding information to our values tab throughout the year, to show how we explore our values, what they look like in our school and how we can live them out in our lives , as Jesus taught us to.

Your teachers are Mrs Lundqvist and Mrs Feeney.

On Monday and Tuesday you will have Mrs Feeney.

On Wednesday, Thursday & Friday you will have Mrs Lundqvist.

Teaching Assistant: Miss Rawlinson.

PE Coach: Mr Stevenson

Daily Timetable

School starts: 8:45am

Lunchtime: 12:00-1:00

School finishes: 3:15pm


Our PE day is Friday with Mr Stevenson. Please ensure you have sent in your child's PE kit which has their name in. This will stay in school until the end of half term when it will be sent home to be washed.


Tuck is £10 per whole term. Please pay for tuck using Parent Pay.

Children will also receive a piece of fruit everyday.


Your child will receive a free drink of milk everyday until they reach the age of 5.

Water Bottles

Your child should a water bottle into school each day. Bottles should contain 'water' only. We are a healthy school and discourage sugary drinks.

Summer Term

Hard to believe we are in our final term!! We have lots of exciting things planned. Our topic this term is Under the Sea where we will be learning all about different sea creatures, playing in our Coral Cafe and finishing with a day where we dress up as pirates!! Please see our knowledge organiser below. 

Knowledge Organiser

Our trip to the farm

Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser

Reception Overview Summer Term

This Half Term

What a fantastic half term we have had!! 

We have worked really hard with our Little Wandle and have been reading so much!

We have loved learning about woodland animals and have made a beautiful information floor book.

Lots to look forward to next half term. Spring is nearly here!!!


Please find our Knowledge Organiser for Spring term below.

Spring Two Knowledge Organiser Fairy Tales

This term in maths we are learning...

Spring One Knowledge Organiser British Woodland Animals and Winter

Autumn Two Knowledge Organiser People Who Help Us

Autumn One Knowledge Organiser Ourselves

Phonics and Reading in Reception

At St Paul's we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme for phonics.  Please look at the link below to find out how we teach reading through the scheme at our school.