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Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10:10

A huge welcome to Year 5MG 2024-2025! 

We are going to have a fantastic year full of learning, growing and being the best that we can be! 

The brilliant Year 5MG team are:

Class Teacher - Mr Griffiths (Monday - Friday)


Teaching Assistant - Miss Cocks

PPA Cover -  Mrs Warboys (Thursday Morning)

Gym Coach - Mr Stevenson 



Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is Responsibility. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.



Religious Education

Our RE enriches all of our learning. This half term, we are looking at the question...

'If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?'


Things to remember in Year 5


*Each child needs to bring their Reading Book Bag or small rucksack into school each day.


*School planners and reading books will be needed in school everyday.


*Each child will choose a library book which can be changed weekly.


* Each child should have their own water bottle in school that they can use in the classroom.


* School uniform and appropriate footwear will be worn every day.


* PE kits will be needed for the children to change into on the days they will do PE - this is on a TUESDAY with Mr Stevenson.


* We will be swimming in the first half term every FRIDAY morning starting on Friday 13th September.  The children must be in on time for us to register them in the classroom and leave school promptly at 9.00am.


* Toast (Tuck) can be purchased online and is £10 a term, or £1 per week.



Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me either on the door in the morning/home time or anytime by email.