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Welcome to Maple Class!

Miss Shore - Class Teacher 
Mrs Wood - High Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA)
Miss Connor and Miss Townsend - Teaching Assistant
Mr Stevenson - PE Coach

Christian Value

Our focus for Spring 1 is: Honesty

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness." John 10:10


Daily Timetable 
Start of the day - 8:50 am 
End of the day - 3.20 pm

Snack time is at 10:15 and lunchtime is at 12:00
Tuck money is £10 per term and can be paid via ParentPay or cash.

Our topic for Spring 1 is: Exploring Food 
We will be introducing the children to lots of different food and providing opportunities to interact with food through play. Lots of sorting, tasting, smelling, creating and growing will be happening! Pictures will be uploaded to Dojo on Friday to keep you updated with all the fun. 

The Hungry Caterpillar: 

Food play is really important and can help to build positive relationships with food and encourage children to try new flavours and textures.  There is a document below with food messy play ideas you can use at home.