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Year 6LM

Jesus said, ''I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness.''

John 10:10


We are now well into the year. Already, we have achieved so much and have demonstrated how reliable, mature and caring we can be.


The Year 6LM team are ...

Class teacher - Mr Moran


Teacher - Mrs Warboys (PPA cover)


Teaching Assistant - Miss Cocks

Intervention teacher - Mrs Parker

P.E coach - Mr Stevenson

Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is PERSEVERANCE. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.


"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trail because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."

James 1:12 (NIV)

God's Story: Two Sons and a Father

The prodigal son is a story Jesus told people when he was on earth. It's all about how much God loves us. It is also the story of having hope in the love of our Father. He will always be there for us. You can find the story in Luke 15:11-32.

Things to remember in Year 6

  • Each child needs a backpack to bring their equipment and books to and from school every day.
  • School planners and reading books will be needed in school everyday.
  • Each child will choose a library book which can be changed weekly on a Thursday.
  • Each child should have their own water bottle in school that they can use in the classroom.
  • School uniform will be worn every day from September.
  • PE kits will be needed for the children to change into on the days they will do PE - this is on a Tuesday.
  • Toast or an apple can be purchased online and is £10 a term
  • Spelling work will begin in the classroom on a Monday and needs to be completed and returned on a Friday.
  • A themed homework grid will be provided at the beginning of each half term and any completed work should be returned on a Friday.

A message for parents: Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either class teachers. (Emails provided above)

Religious Education

Our RE enriches all of our learning. This term, we are looking at the question...

Is it better to express beliefs in art or charity?

Keep a lookout for the work and reflections we will be creating

during this unit this term.

Homework in Year 6

Homework will be set every week.

Children will be expected to complete their reading, weekly spellings and times tables activities.  

This will support their progress throughout the year in literacy and numeracy.  

In addition to this, children will have homework which is linked to our current Learning Challenge. 

Children will be able to earn points for each activity they complete, working towards a target and earning a prize when their target is reached. 

We love to read ...

Children will have their own reading books to take home. We look forward to seeing your progress and adding to our reading jar...when and what will be our first class reward?

Children in Year 6 enjoy Cracking Comprehension sessions where you can develop your reading and comprehension skills.

We have a well resourced school library where the children are allowed to select a book. 

There is also a reading corner in the classroom with designated slots when the children can enjoy a quiet read.

We will be reading a class book - this term, we are reading...Kensuke's kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.

Washed up on an island in the Pacific, Michael struggles to survive on his own. With no food and no water, he curls up to die. When he wakes, there is a plate beside him of fish, of fruit, and a bowl of fresh water. He is not alone …

More on our Year 6 curriculum in the Spring term


In numeracy we are focusing on shape, algebra, data and time as well as continuing to develop our arithmetic skills.

Times Tables Rockstars

We will continue to use TTRockstars. Have a go at home to improve your numeracy skills; have fun and try to improve on their own time.

Our topic is a geography focus  -

Extreme Earth

Have a look at our knowledge organiser below.

In Computing, we will be covering Internet Safety and on a similar theme, in PSHE we will be starting with Friendships and Relationships. We will also be starting our Science topic on Humans and Other Animals as well as continuing with French and Music with Mrs Warboys.

So ... let's get going!